Saturday 23 June

A touring programme of films selected from OUTPOST artist membership. Selected by Stuart Croft.

Inez de Coo | Matthew Ferguson | Ian Giles | Georgie Grace | Peter Harris | Paul Harrison |Yuki Kishino | Adam Knight | Anna Lucas | Lucy Pawlak | Vicki Thornton | Rehana Zaman

open film 2012.jpg

OUTPOST Gallery is pleased to announce the second year of OUTPOST Open Film: a touring showreel of films selected from OUTPOST’s artist membership by artist filmmaker Stuart Croft in collaboration with OUTPOST Gallery.

The show reel will be touring to a number of venues across the UK throughout the autumn. Forthcoming screenings include:

Shortwave Cinema, Bermondsey on 4 October, 6.45 – 8.15pm

The Minories, Colchester on 7th October

Primary, Nottingham on 20th October

Outcasting Fourth Wall Film Festival, Cardiff, (date and time tbc - between 1 October and 30 November)

Aid & Abet, Cambridge on 9th November, 4.19pm

Rhubaba, Edinburgh on 15th November (time tbc)

This year’s OUTPOST Open Film features twelve artist members based in the UK and internationally, each of whom submitted one moving image work that would function in an end-to-end screening format. The programme brings together themes that emerged from the submission process: the use of text features prominently, from the hookup web space of Chatroulette to the dismembered voiceover, from lip-syncing the famous to the animated political slogan. The programme is in two parts, both of which are 40 minutes long.

PART 1 (40mins)

Georgie Grace, Clashes / two shifts, 2012, (02' 58)

Yuki Kishino, The Distance Between One and Another, 2011-2012, (11' 41)

Paul Harrison, Away From The Unknown, 2011, (07' 27)

Anna Lucas, Gustav, Graham and Lee, 2011, (09' 11)

Rehana Zaman, Fig2. Where The Workers Get A Taste, 2012, (06' 15)

Matthew Ferguson, hfdkbj (prototype), 2012, (00' 59)

PART 2 (40mins)

Vicki Thornton, The Centre And The Circumference, 2011, (06' 24)

Adam Knight, The Polittante (Part 1), 2011, (04' 04)

Inez de Coo, Gaze Of The Void, 2012, (04' 57)

Ian Giles, The Clarinet Player, 2011, (06' 42)

Lucy Pawlak, During Action, 2012, (13' 03)

Peter Harris, Self Portrait by Proxy 6: Are You Real? 2009, (03' 31)

OUTPOST Open Film will be premiered at OUTPOST Gallery on Saturday 23 June at 6pm with an introduction from Stuart Croft, and later will tour to venues across the UK and Internationally.

OUTPOST Open Film was initiated in 2011 as a celebration of the moving image, showcasing established and emerging artists to new audiences across the UK and further afield.

Stuart Croft is an artist-filmmaker. He writes and directs gallery-based films that focus on recurrence, deception, power and desire. Stuart Croft is based in London and is a lecturer at the Royal College of Art, where he programmes the RCA's Moving Image Studio.


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