Something Good

Saturday 21st October, 6-9pm

Giles Bailey | Competition | Tim Croft | Mani Kambo | Kate Liston | Mathew Parkin | Nicola Singh | Cherry Styles | Karis Upton

Curated by Grace Denton

Something Good

A one-night only screening event that took place inside an installation of hanging oilcloth lengths.

The title of the event references the name I gave to DIY gigs I organised with friends in the city during my undergraduate years. Part reenactment and recapturing of that optimistic, late-teen energy, part nod to my development as an artist in the last ten years.

With thanks especially to Craig Pollard, Karis Upton, Alice & Sarah Drummee-Hines, Issy Mitchell, Beatie Fox and Mike Goddard.

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#136 OUTPOST Members' Show 2017


Rob Lye, Speculative Field Recordings of the Near Future